The Orphanage Project

This might be my next big volunteer project. It is an orphanage in West Bengal, being run by a philantropic gentleman, Mr Balaram. Presently my parents and I are supporting him a little financially but in the future I hope to see it as a seedbed for implementing my social ideas and philosophy.
It is located in a village 'Paushi', district 'Bhupatinagar' in West Bengal and has been named 'Antodaya Anath Ashram'. There are about 50 children ranging from the age groups of 4 to 14.
The next time I go to India, I plan to visit them in order to construct a self supporting environment (something like the 'barefoot movement colleges') so that these children are ensured a better future. A future where they can get the kind of love, warmth and happiness that I have enjoyed.
While survival for some is a struggle, most of us just shrug our sholders and take it much for granted. Even when surrounded by freedom and oppurtunities, we are discontent and fight among ourselves, looking for excuses to fuel our greed and pander to our myopic egos. True happiness is only in the realization of the feeling of being 'fortunate' for only then our eyes see the beauty around us and our heart is filled with joy and optimism.
Oh wow!!Read your blog here..
You're into social work too??!!!
Good Luck!!!
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